Auction AgreementThis agreement is between 2FIVE2, LLC, dba as VA Vintage and (“Auctioneer”, “We”, “Our”, “Us”) and Seller (“You”, “Your”, “He”, “She”). Auctioneer will sell your items on our website located at Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Both parties agree to the following terms and conditions: *We will NOT share your private information (i.e. address, phone, email, etc) will not be shared with anyone at anytime.Buyers will be screened and researched to the best of our ability to limit fraud.Auctioneer shall receive as compensation for promoting, advertising and conducting said auction sale 20% of gross sales receipts resulting from auction, which fee may be deducted from the gross sales receipts.Auctioneer agrees to turn over net proceeds from auction to Seller within 30 days from date of auction, along with sale records and receipts.Seller agrees to allow Auctioneer staff to schedule a date and time to take photos to your auction items at your residence, storage unit or other mutually agreed location.Minimum bid prices will be mutually agreed upon by both parties before the auction begins.It is agreed that all goods will be sold to the highest bidder, with the exception of items specified by seller in writing to be protected. No item shall be sold or withdrawn from the sale prior to the auction except by mutual agreement between Seller and Auctioneer. If an item is sold or withdrawn prior to auction, Auctioneer shall receive full commission on the item. Auctioneer shall receive full commission on any item withdrawn from sale or transferred or sold within 60 days after the auction.Seller warrants and represents that he/she has good title and the right to sell and will deliver merchantable title to the herein described property to purchasers, that said goods are free of all claims, encumbrances or indebtedness and that said property can be auctioned without violation of any federal, state or other regulations.Seller agrees to hold harmless Auctioneer against any claims of the nature referred to in this contract.Seller Name *FirstLastSeller Email *EmailConfirm EmailHow many items do you wish to sell? *1-1011-2021-5051-100100+We will take photos and obtain the prices and listing information from you pre-auction.Shipping *Seller does NOT want to offer ShippingSeller will Ship to Buyer (within 5 days after auction ends)Offering shipping increases your chances of selling. Auctioneer does not offer shipping at this time. Therefore, if you want to ship, you will have to do yourself within 3-5 days of auction.Local Pickup *Local Pickup is requiredOnce the auction ends, the buyer has 5 days to pickup there item or the item is forfeited back to you. Local pickup means the buyer will be sent to the local pickup address you specify below. This can be your house, storage unit, etc. NOTE: You will be sent the buyers name and phone number to coordinate a pickup time. They will NOT be sent yours. YOUR PRIVACY & SECURITY IS A PRIORITY TO US! Again, the buyer will not be sent your information. You will be sent their name and phone number for coordination purposes only. If you suspect any foul play, please contact us immediately and/or the local authorities.Where is the local pickup address? *Choose oneVA VintageNC VintageMy ResidenceMy Storage UnitMy 2nd HomeOther LocationWhat is the Address? *Address, City, State, ZipVendor Booth Code *You must be a vendor at this store. Please enter your vendor code.Authorization *I authorizeSeller authorizes this agreement on Submit